Advantek® is an expert in extracting actionable knowledge from vast amounts of data.
Advantek began offering data mining and analytics services in 2005, long before the industry began adopting these techniques en mass. As a result of this long headstart, our team and our @SSURE® software suite are fine tuned to provide actionable insights from large data sets.
@SSURE is a cloud-based, shareable, secure data management web application integrated with automated data acquisition and analytics tools. It is the only tailored platform for injection well operators bringing together real-time and historical field data with analytical packages in a cloud based web application.
Advantek’s @SSURE® includes:
- A cloud database consisting of data collected from over 4,000,000 wells in North America. The database is updated on a daily basis;
- An automated data acquisition tool which:
- Automatically pulls data from digital sensors installed at field sites, third party databases (such as the Machu cloud), public and private websites, and user-supplied data sources;
- Dynamically detecting and extracting data from local data folders and attached data files in any trusted email accounts;
- Advanced well testing and data analytics tools which can be used or automatically deployed on the stored and real-time data;
- Automated alerts based on analyzed data to identify subsurface hazards
- The ability to integrate with third-party data analytics tools, such as Power BI, Tableau and Python codes.